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A small window:
If someone chats in a rather small window while the rest of the screen is empty; this indic-
ates someone who is secretive and likes to keep his privacy and the other person's privacy
from everyone else even from the walls so to say…who knows may be those walls have
eyes! Those people are introverts and it is hard to get to know what they are really thinking
at a any one time.
A tall window:
A rather tall window often relates to someone with huge egos, a sense of pride and likes to
talk about his ideas whenever possible. If it is combined with a rather narrow window,
then it indicates someone's narrow perspective to things and hints of stubbornness.
A short and wide window:
This type of windows indicates someone who is living in the moment. He doesn't enjoy
long conversations and has no stamina or interest in having long and beneficial conversa-
tions. A one liner joke is a good idea to approach such person.
A window to the right:
Having the window placed to the right side of the screen often indicates someone who is
out going, eager to have a relationship and make new friends whenever possible. It also
explains why most people like to place their chatting list on the right side of the screen.
A window to the left:
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