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Our Honest Brain
It appears as if there is not a single one in the world who doesn't know about the different
chat methods created in the world of electromagnetic waves.
Our use of keyboards on our computers, tablets and smart phones increases daily and there
is no end in sight. I'm afraid the day will come when we forget how to hold a pen to paper
and write a letter to our loved ones. Or even more may be the paper making industry might
get to a dead end and using paper will become part of history like ancient use of parchment
or a piece of deer skin.
Nowadays our children learn to read and write on personal computers and iPads before
they can actually read children topics, learn basic writing skills and coloring on paper with
Through the science of handwriting analysis, it has been proven that there is a direct rela-
tionship between a persons' handwriting as an expressed behavior and their attitudes, per-
sonality character traits, and emotions.
It is as simple as this; handwriting is brain writing. Our neuron nerves are responsible for
muscles movement and control the movement of our arms, hands and fingers. Your physic-
al behaviors are governed by your brain and therefore whatever your inner thoughts, feel-
ings, and sub consciousness are; it will be displayed on paper as you are writing, and you
would be surprised on how a simple stroke of pen can reveal so much about you.
Our mind is an intelligent, adaptive and HONEST. It is compelled to deliver messages to
the world with as much accuracy as possible, even when you think you are lying, even
when you think you are hiding your feelings. Your mind doesn't recognize these lies and
will simply interpret it as an obstacle that is in the way of delivering information, your
thoughts and feeling to the world, that must overcome it by any means possible.
So whether it was through a blink of an eye when you said that you will go to that party
when you didn't have any intentions to do so, or raced heart beats when you see that special
someone, your mind will always display your true feeling.
Thus whatever you say or write the truth is always there, always.
We just have to understand and interpret the signs that are sent from our minds.
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