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Facebooking your Life
After watching a queen being interviewed on Oprah's talk show, sharing her daily activities
agenda and mentioning her checking her face-book page each day, first thing in the morn-
ing, I said to myself its official, Facebook is the new “world social club”. That was back in
2011 and now we are in 2014 and its still thriving and expanding like nothing before.
It's a global phenomenon that has become part of our lives. But as anything else, the ex-
cessive use becomes an abuse and abusing Facebook can turn us into meaningless, shallow,
and whining people, instead of using it to improve our connections with our friends and the
We see people sharing very intimate details of their lives on Facebook, posting their every
mood and thoughts that they experience during their day. So they end up “Facebooking”
their problems instead of "Faceing" them.
It's sad when we see dear friends of ours and sometimes even us doing this, therefore we
need to pay attention to the amount of time we spend on Facebook. It's OK for it to be a
kind of hobby, but it can easily turn into an addiction.
This type of addiction makes you forget to mingle with real people face to face in your life,
and eventually you only communicate with them through Facebook.
You can recognize that you are addicted when you find yourself constantly checking for
new messages and for new news feeds. Sometimes you might be just waiting around, put-
ting your life on hold, for the sake of the potential that a new item will come up so that you
can finally share a comment or a “like”. I know about this because I have been there too
and I know you might have been there too. So seriously if you ever find yourself acting in
such way and living in the Facebook world, you need to cut down the hours you spend on-
line immediately and make the decision to only check on it once or twice a day. Some will
find it hard at the beginning but soon enough you will adjust, don't worry.
It all comes down to the fact that human beings are social by nature and when they are
missing something in their social life, it will lead them to compensate it with the social net-
work of Facebook. Addicted people are online 24/7.
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