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We always complain about how bad we look on the picture of our driving license, our
passports or any type of official identity that required a picture of us. We are never satis-
fied with it as we see this identity as a true definition of our real identity and therefore we
never settle for one picture that may or may not look like us at a certain period of our life.
We physically change with time, chose different style preferences over the year and yet
we are stuck with this photo ID for years.
Now a days, thanks to this magnificent digital communications technology, we can finally
feel comfortable with our selection of our profile picture. We are able to selecting the pic-
ture that we feel that best represent us at any given time. From the picture that a person
choses, you can figure out what their primary self-image is, at that specific time in their
It's the thought behind that image, is what counts. For example, someone puts a picture of
a football, it's not necessarily means he is waiting for the next match game or that he is a
fan of football games, it might means he is eager for achieving goals in his life and that he
is working on some projects at the time. There is always a subtle message behind the pro-
file picture and your challenge is to look for that message and understand why it is im-
portant to them at this time in their life. Is it a personality trait that is being expressed
about them?or its just a current state of feelings?
Rudeness elements:
Everyone has been accused of being rude, at least once. We in turn deal with rude people
all the time and they are not necessarily strangers or distant friends. They might be people
that are very close to you, friends, family, coworkers or anyone dear to your heart. All can
occasionally act rude towards you but it doesn't mean that they are bad, or that you should
cut off your relationship with them. Make sure that the rudeness is actually part of their
personality and then you should act with caution in your relationship, until their true
nature is proven. they just might be people with a lot of current pressure in their lives with
some serious trouble that they just can't help to show any kind of compaction to anyone,
since they are mostly in need for such compaction from others themselves.
Most of the time rude people are usually intimidated by people like you. Rudeness is the
behavior of someone that is angry and has low self-esteem issues. Whatever the cause of
their rudeness, the signs and behaviors are loud and clear to others.
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