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It's number one and the most popular greeting word worldwide. The word that should
have a trophy as the most used form of greeting regardless of the nationality. It is the great
word “HI”. It is always considered to be as a more friendly approach and when it starts
with a capital H, it means it was sent by a user that likes to live by the rules in life and is
someone who likes to use words in a proper formal use. Unlike a greeter with a lower case
h, which indicates that it was sent by someone who is potentially rebellious, lacks organiz-
ational skills and who always rushes into things with no previous thought.
Too many of a word's first letter:
We don't see this trait often its rare but when we see it, it means much, it's when you see a
word with too many first letter, the indication of this sign is that its writer was experien-
cing a hesitation moment when he wrote that word, it's like he took a moment to make
sure that this is the right word to say at that time. And as we said before the first letter is
like inhaling so it's like the writer took a moment to totally comprehend and agree on what
he was writing before pressing send button.
(-Going out, are you in?)
Too many of a word's middle letter:
Using a word with many of one of its middle letters means that you are using the word
with lots of emotion. It means feeling it with all your heart and saying it with the utmost
honesty. A good example of this is when you say the word LOVE. You say it with all your
heart and you can't help but to write too many of its core letter (O).
I loooooooooooooooooooooveeee youuu
Too many of a word's last letter:
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