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Whenever someone uses only one color constantly, regardless of what they were writing,
it stems from their inner need to self-assure the meaning of their communications before
the needs of others. Like our pink fan celebrity P.H that we talked about earlier, she feels
the need to assure to herself before anyone else that she is a spoiled girly girl and living
lavishly regardless of the fact that she doesn't need too. Or like Metallica music lovers
when they constantly wear black cloths and let their hair grow wild to tell you we are
Metallica fans. It's like you want to tell them, “hey it is clear by your actions that you are a
Metallica fans and there is no need to ensure that it by wearing that style of clothing”.
Some people just can't help it, it's something that they have to do to re-enforce their inner
self image and self esteem.
Frequently changed color:
One phrase is written in red, then another is in black and then all of a sudden a purple
font. Frequent changes in font colors indicate the writers frequent mood changes. It is a
sign of a theatrical personality, an unpractical but yet cheerful personality and it is
someone's subtle way to draw attention to their writings.
Always pay attention to colors and its indications for it is a huge non-verbal way of com-
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