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tioned the middle, but that is a fine line that we as humans cannot stand on. We would
either fall on one side or the other. And those who fall on the optimistic side have a better
chance at getting things right and have an advantage over those who are of a pessimistic
The advantage they have is that the world is working for them not against them. In Feng
Shui, they call the energy that comes from up above, (the one we call Luck) heaven en-
ergy and it is a positive energy, therefore it is attracted to other positive energy that comes
across and it will accumulate on the same energy type. It is in the air you breathe, in the
food you eat and all around you.
Imagine your feelings are like a radio and the positive and negative energy are frequencies
so whatever frequencies you set your radio on, the channel of those frequencies is what
you will get. In other word don't wait for your favorite song to come up on the 6
O'CLOCK NEWS channel.
It's contagious. The energy you and others have is contagious and if you sit long enough
around lucky people, you too will eventually become lucky, and if you sit around miser-
able and unhappy people, before you know it you will be held back from any positive pro-
gress in your life and become a prisoner of bad luck. Our parents when we were kids used
to teach us that rule without a previous awareness that its scientifically proven fact, they
used to tell us that we need to associate and sit next to smart people at school if we want
to get high grades. And in my case, whenever I sat with smart people, I got the high
grades without any direct help from them, so it must had been the positive energy they
So if you have a chatting mate who is pessimistic, (CONSTANTLY seeing the empty side
of the glass) you have two ways to deal with them; one is to try and change their way of
thinking to be more optimistic by encouraging them, sending self-improvement links and
suggesting them to take NLP (neuro- linguistic programming) classes and showing them
that everything can turn into a good thing if we know how to look at it…if we change our
perspectives towards it.
And if that didn't help and only when you feel that you did your best and you can't offer
them anything more, only then my friend; turn the other way and run as fast as you can
before the bad luck energy catches you.
Always keep in mind that optimism is like salt, it adds flavor to your food, but like any-
thing else in this life, too much of it can ruin your dish. Pessimism is like sand, it will ruin
your dish no matter how little is used. The difference between the optimistic and pessim-
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