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in the best way you can. Understanding people makes you a rock star. I's your magic wand
to achieve anything you want in this life and it is the utmost important trait we look for in
our partners and friends in this life.
We look for those who can understand us and make us feel contained with their big heart.
And it takes much to be a person who can understand others.
One rule you must keep in mind, is that there is no one that is wrong, in that it is just their
point of view and set of believes that they had been taught throughout their lives which
might be different than yours; and they deal with you according to their past experience.
Once you realize that, you will be able to see reasons behind their actions. Unfortunately
not everyone is as smart, understanding and witty as you ;). Therefore you will be con-
fronted with people who misunderstand your actions and misinterpret your words, and
whoever does that while chatting is usually a person with lots of conflict their life and of-
ten find themselves in trouble with others for not having the brightness of mind that can
lead them into the understanding of the complexities of the human mind and the reasons
behind each word and behaviors of others.
You can spot such a person by his frequent use of the two famous phrases (what do you
mean?) and (I didn't understand!) as indications of not agreeing with you. For example,
when you tell a joke that was purely for fun and gets received by others as a hint for
something else and that can cause a fight.
We see that a lot and will continue on seeing it as long as there are -bad intentions- in the
air. All you can do is NOT to be one of them and BE part of shaping a positive experience
in others life.
My favorite received misunderstanding sign is an endless line of question marks!.
Remember, the fewer problems you get yourself into, the brighter your brain is.
Optimistic vs Pessimistic people:
These two traits divide human beings into two groups. One has all the positive traits and
the other has all the negative traits. It identifies them as being, happy or sad, lucky or
miserable, fun or boring, etc. You may wonder and ask yourself, what about realistic
people, aren't they caught in the middle of those two groups? Well they are indeed posi-
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