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house, her children and all her intimate life details was exposed to him. She was shocked
and horrified but there is no one to blame but herself because she trusted someone that she
just met online. It was a lesson for her and all of her close friends that we will never ever
And unfortunately like her there are an uncountable number of people who have been vic-
timized by such low self esteemed chatters.
The bottom line is that there will always be such people out there that will take advantage
of you and all we can do is to be aware that even though chatting with friends and making
new friends is fun, it can be harmful and dangerous if you let your guard down and reveal
personal and private information.
That won't stop them from knowing whatever they need to know by their own ways (since
many of them are hackers)… but at least you make sure you are carful enough and your
caution is vivid.
The Buzz, or the nudge or whatever it name is on your chat, you know what I'm talking
about, and as much as it is important sometimes, as much as it can be really noisy and
bothering act to do or receive from others. This Buzz - or nudge- is a great indication of
someone's edge and the level of their nerves at a certain time.
So when someone buzzes you - for example- constantly, you can immediately understand
how anxious they are to get your reply, and that is valid when they have something im-
portant to talk about.
But remember I said constantly… when you find yourself dealing with someone who con-
stantly buzzes you, keep in mind that it usually comes from people that are lacking pa-
tience and have some trouble knowing and practicing boundaries. In another words they
are party crashers.
Be patient and kind with them because whoever buzzes you, is someone eager to hear
from you and to him everything about you is important.
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