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So if someone told you that they are single and then turn out to be a father of five kids,
leaving you with a broken heart after a long online relationship. Or if you think you found
the girl of your dreams and you were about to propose just to find out that she was actu-
ally a HE. The signs were and are always there, one way or another it has to show up at
some point during your conversations, so pay close attention.
When I first got introduced to the luxury of meeting new people through chat rooms, I
loved the idea so much and I made it one of my daily must do's.
My favorite was Indian chat rooms. From the first moment I press the log in button, chat
windows and buzzes start hitting my screen like rain. I wait for a minute until they give up
on me and then I start picking whomever I saw fit to chat with.
Now my point is what does that action tell you about their nature? It's clear that they are
friendly people have no problem approaching new folks and start new friendships easily.
Unlike when you log into let's say …London chat rooms, they are like ghosts rooms, no
one says hi, no one will reply and there is such a cold feeling you get there, just like their
nature in real life; they are very practical and stiff people.
Regardless of the reasons behind why it is like this, at Indian chat rooms everyone re-
sponds to you initially and then the number of chat windows will reduce to one half if you
are a male or double if you are a female. In London chat rooms, male...female... no one
The rule that you must always keep in mind is that one action equals one impression, so as
many actions that you get from others, as many impressions you can get regarding their
nature, and based on that you can have an idea of their personality and ruling character
Now let's go through some common yet very revealing acts you might encounter with dur-
ing your time chatting with new people online...
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