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clearly show survey results with important bonobo populations, okapis, and even the newly dis-
covered monkey species in Sankuru.”
216 However, shortly after an An email to a number of people working in bonobo conservation,
written in December 2008 by an official at the IUCN Netherlands, cites “an apparent lack of syn-
ergy amongst at least some of the principle actors involved” in bonobo conservation. He states
that “within the 'Bonobo conservation community' we found out that quite some people do not get
along, or do not work very well together.”
217 Some village leaders sided The way the conflict caused the local people to break into camps is
described by André Tusumba, Benoît Kisuke, Michel Kitoko, Michael Hurley, and Sally Coxe.
217 In one year alone Claudine André et al. mention the influx of bonobos to the sanctuary but do
not explain where they came from in “The Conservation Value of Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary,” in
Furuichi and Thompson, The Bonobos: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation , 303-22.
217 In Kokolopori, BCI The goal of CDM is to “earn saleable certified emission reduction (CER)
credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO 2 , which can be counted toward meeting Kyoto targets,”
according to the website of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, ht-
tp:// . Ac-
cording to Sally and Michael, Gian Claudio Faussone, the first designated national authority
(DNA) for the Congo for the Kyoto Protocol, chose the Bonobo Peace Forest as the number one
project in the country that the Kyoto Protocol wanted to support.
219 There is a growing need
Sheila Jasanoff, Science and Public Reason (New York: Routledge,
2012), 169-70.
219 She described Sankuru “World's Largest 'Avoided Deforestation' Project Helps Save En-
dangered Great Ape in Congo,” PR Newswire,
largest-avoided-deforestation-project-helps-save-endangered-great-ape-in-congo-79296412.html .
Viral Conservation
230 He continued the degree Alden Almquist, “Society and Its Environment,” in Meditz and Mer-
rill, Zaire: A Country Study , 61-133; Alden Almquist, “Horticulture and Hunting in the Congo
Basin,” in Weber et al., African Rain Forest Ecology and Conservation , 334-43.
231 He also told me that
Alden cites Igor Kopytoff, “The Ancestors as Elders,” Africa 41 no. 2
(April 1971): 129-42.
231 Even at the national level “Confession Publique d'un Ancien Baron du Président Mobutu,”
Elima , April 22, 1992, 9; referenced in Schatzberg, Political Legitimacy in Middle Africa , 13.
231 Some have attested that Emmanuel Dungia, Mobutu et l'Argent du Zaïre: Révélations d'un Dip-
lomate, Ex-Agent des Services Secrets (Paris: L'Harmattan, 1993), 42-49; Emmanuel Dungia, La
Pieuvre Tropicale: Les Tentacules de Mobutu (Brussels: Emmanuel Dungia, n.d.); both referenced
in Schatzberg, Political Legitimacy in Middle Africa , 136-37.
231 During the 1974 World Cup “Soccer—Democratic Congo Warns of Magic Ahead of Key
Match,” Reuters , February 24, 1998; referenced in Schatzberg, Political Legitimacy in Middle
Africa , 123.
231 and in other situations Thassinda uba Thassinda H., Zaïre: Les Princes de l'Invisible: L'Afrique
Noire Bâillonnée Par le Parti Unique (Caen: Editions C'est à Dire, 1992), 211-12; Kitemona
N'Silu, “Les Léopards Exorcisés par les Chefs Coutumiers Batékés,” Elima , April 2, 1987, 11;
both referenced in Schatzberg, Political Legitimacy in Middle Africa , 55-56.
232 Schatzberg writes that Simon Bockie, Death and the Invisible Powers: The World of Kongo
Belief (Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1993); Suzanne Preston Blier, African Vodun:
Art, Psychology, and Power (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995); both referenced in
Schatzberg, Political Legitimacy in Middle Africa , 134.
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