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empirically to estimate FMCs for other fuel components (Schroeder and Buck
1970 ). Simulation modeling also provides an indirect way to estimate FMCs where
computer programs are used to simulate fuel moisture dynamics from weather and
fuel inputs (Nelson 2001 ). In fact, many fire managers use simulated FMCs from
the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) models to estimate local FMCs
for their fuels although the simulation of dead fuel FMCs is much better than live
fuel FMCs (Anderson 1976 ). And, in recent years, several studies have found useful
empirical relations between FMC and satellite-derived variables in several ecosys-
tems (Paltridge and Mitchell 1990 ; Chladil and Nunez 1995 ; Chuvieco and Martin
1994 ). Dead fuel FMC estimation from remotely sensed data is complex for two
reasons: (1) dead fuels are under the vegetation canopy and, therefore, cannot be
directly sensed remotely, and (2) dead fuels do not show changes in green coloration
from water variations and, consequently, are less sensitive to changes in reflectance.
For this reason, FMCs for grasslands was more effectively estimated with higher
precision than other fuels because FMC variations in grasslands have a greater in-
fluence on those variables that affect plant reflectance (such as chlorophyll content
or leaf area index; Paltridge and Mitchell 1990 ; Hardy et al. 1999 ).
Anderson HE (1976) Fuels—the source of the matter. Paper presented at the Air quality and smoke
from urban and forest fires. In: Proceedings of the international symposium, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO, 1976
Banks WG, Frayer HC (1966) Rate of forest fire spread and resistance to control in the fuel types
of the eastern region. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Fire Control Notes,
vol 27. Washington, DC
Brown JK (1978) Weight and density of crowns of rocky mountain conifers. United States De-
partment of Agriculture, Forest Service Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station,
Research Paper INT-197 Ogden, UT USA 56 pp
Campbell GS (1977) An introduction to environmental biophysics. Springer-Verlag, New York
Chatto K, Tolhurst KG (1997) Development and testing of the wiltronics TH fine fuel moisture
meter. Fire Management Branch, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
Victoria, Australia ISBN: 0730666980
Chladil MA, Nunez M (1995) Assessing grassland moisture and biomass in Tasmania—the ap-
plication of remote sensing and empirical models for a cloudy environment. Int J Wildland
Fire 5(3):165-171
Chrosciewicz Z (1986) Foliar moisture content variations in four coniferous tree species of central
Alberta. Can J For Res 16:157-162
Chuvieco E, Martin MP (1994) Global fire mapping and fire danger estimation using AVHRR im-
ages. Photogramm Eng Remote Sens 60(5):563-570
Dexter BD, Williams DF (1976) Direct field estimation of fine fuel moisture content. Aust For
39(2):140-144. doi:10.1080/00049158.1976.10675649
Djolani B (1970) Hysteresis and secondary phenomena in sorption of water in wood at tempera-
tures of 5°, 21°, 35°, and 50°C. Notes Rech Dep Exploit Util Bois Univ Laval (8):58
Eagleson PS (1978) Climate, soil, and vegetation. Water Resour Res 14(5):705-776
Fosberg MA, Lancaster JW, Schroeder MJ (1970) Fuel moisture response—drying relationships
under standard and field conditions. For Sci 16(1):121-128
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