Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
FILES := objs.c misc.c id_ca.c id_vh.c id_us.c \
wl_act1.c wl_act2.c wl_act3.c wl_agent.c wl_game.c \
wl_inter.c wl_menu.c wl_play.c wl_state.c wl_text.c wl_main.c \
wl_debug.c vi_comm.c sd_comm.c \
wl_draw.c jni_wolf.c vi_null.c sd_null.c
Let's take a closer look to the variables defined in Listing A-2:
LOCAL_PATH : This variable defines the local path of the module,
NDK_HOME/sources/Wolf3D in this particular case.
LOCAL_MODULE : This variable defines the name of the local module. It must match
the module name ( wolf3d ) with the prefix lib , thus libwolf3d .
LOCAL_CFLAGS : Here is where you can put the optimization flags of your choice and
extra include directories (where C headers live). For Wolf 3D, I use
LOCAL_SRC_FILES : These are the source files that compose the library.
The following actions will be executed during the make process:
include $(CLEAR_VARS) : This action clears previous values of the local variables
used by the module.
include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) : This action tells the compilation project to
build a shared library.
Types of libraries in Linux
The types of libraries that can be compiled with the NDK can be confusing for the newcomer:
Shared libraries : These are loaded dynamically by an executable at runtime. In
Linux, they use the naming convention lib<SOME_NAME>.so . For example, is the shared library used by our project.
Static libraries : These are binary code archives that will be included into a master
shared library at compile time. They use the naming convention
lib<SOME_NAME>.a .
Compiling the Shared Library
Finally, we are ready to go. Start the compilation process by typing the following within the NDK home
folder (see Figure A-5):
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