Game Development Reference
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Deployment and Compilation Tips
In this appendix, we explore some helpful tips to deploy your application, NDK 1.5, and OpenGL tricks
as well as compiling the native code in chapters 6 and 7 using the NDK for extra time savings.
Specifically, this section includes tips for the following:
Creating a key store for signature of you application package
Signing you application using the workbench
Compiling the project from Chapter 6 (Wolf 3D for Android) using NDK 1.5
Adding custom support for OpenGL to the NDK 1.5.
Compiling the project from Chapter 7 (Doom for Android) with NDK 1.6
Let's get started!
Signing Your Application
Before your application can be installed in any Android device, it must be signed using a Java key store.
This section describes the steps you must follow to accomplish this task. You can find more details in the
Android Developer Guide.
Note Android developers, more information about signing your applications is available at .
Creating a Key Store
A key store is a password-protected file that contains public/private key pairs used for JAR signatures.
You can create a key store with the following command:
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA «
-validity 10000 -storepass <password1> -keypass <password2>
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