Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Original Game Changes
In order for the JNI glue to work, changes are required to the original game engine. Some are simple,
such as inserting calls to the C to Java callbacks; some are not so simple, such as removing invalid
dependencies. Table 7-6 shows the original files and the changes required. Considering that the engine
has a total of 90,000 lines of code, these changes are not that bad.
Table 7-6. Changes Required to the Original Engine to Insert the JNI Glue
Rename the main subroutine to doom_main .
In I_Error , insert jni_fatal_error .
Comment SDL dependencies. In I_StartSound , insert start sound callback
jni_start_sound .
In S_SetMusicVolume , insert volume callback jni_set_music_volume .
Comment SDL dependencies. Insert code to build an Android ARBG pixel array from the
video buffer. In I_SetRes , add JNI callback to initialize graphics. In I_FinishUpdate , send
pixels to Java with jni_send_pixels .
These changes are explained in more detail in the next sections.
Renaming main
Let's start with the simplest change: renaming the main() subroutine in i_main.c so it can be invoked
from the Java native Java_doom_jni_Natives_DoomMain , which will start the game from Java, as shown in
the next fragment:
// In i_main.c
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int doom_main(int argc, char **argv)
// In jni_doom.c
extern int doom_main(int argc, char **argv);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_doom_jni_Natives_DoomMain
(JNIEnv * env, jclass class, jobjectArray jargv)
doom_main (clen, args);
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