Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 7-5. C to Java Callbacks in jni_doom.c (continued)
C Method
Invoked Java Method
void jni_start_sound (const char * name,
int vol)
static void OnStartSound(byte[] name, int vol)
void jni_start_music (const char * name,
int loop)
static void OnStartMusic(String name, int loop)
void jni_stop_music (const char * name)
static void OnStopMusic(String name)
void jni_set_music_volume (int vol)
static void OnSetMusicVolume(int volume)
void jni_fatal_error(const char * text)
static void OnFatalError(String message)
The callbacks must be inserted in the C code as explained in the next sections.
Graphics Initialization
Constants for the graphics initialization callback are defined in jni_doom.h , as shown in Listing 7-15.
CB_CLASS_IG_CB indicates the Java method name OnInitGraphics . CB_CLASS_IG_SIG "(II)V" defines the
signature: two integer parameters and a void return type, as shown in the next fragment:
#define CB_CLASS_IG_CB "OnInitGraphics"
#define CB_CLASS_IG_SIG "(II)V"
This callback also performs some critical steps:
It attaches to the current thread with (*g_VM)->AttachCurrentThread (g_VM,
&env, NULL) . Here is where the global JVM reference comes into play.
Furthermore, the JNI environment ( env ) will be used to invoke the callback.
It allocates space for the Java pixel array (video buffer) used by jni_send_pixels
using the width and height of the display: jImage = (*env)-> NewIntArray(env,
width * height) .
It invokes the static void method doom.util.Natives.OnInitGraphics(width,
height) using its method ID: (*env)->CallStaticVoidMethod(env, jNativesCls,
METHOD_ID, ARGUMENTS) , where ARGUMENTS are the width and height of the display.
Note that the arguments must match the arguments in the Java method!
Listing 7-15. Graphics Initialization
* Fires when Doom graphics are initialized.
* params: img width, height
void jni_init_graphics(int width, int height)
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