Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-1. Doom for Android architecture
This process continues in an endless loop, where key and touch events are dispatched back to the
DSO, which updates the game accordingly.
The game is composed of the following Java packages:
org.doom : This is the main game package and contains the main activity . This class controls the application life cycle and the key and
touch events, dispatches sound and music requests to the audio classes, and
dispatches user events to the DSO through the native interface class. : This package contains the audio classes AudioManager and AudioClip .
AudioManager : This class is in charge of playing sounds and background
music using AudioClip . It also caches sounds for better performance. : This class is capable of playing, stopping, and looping a
sound using the Android MediaPlayer . Sound files use the WAVE format.
doom.jni : This JNI package contains the native interface class . This
class is a two-way pipe for all access with the DSO. This includes native Java
methods and C to Java callbacks.
doom.util : This package contains the following utility classes: : This class contains miscellaneous dialogs to start the
game and install shareware game files, message boxes, and other items. : This class contains basic game constants and commonly
used subroutines.
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