Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
JNI Headers : The make target jni is defined to create the headers required by the
JNI interface using the javah command: javah -jni -classpath ../../bin -d
include wolf.jni.Natives . The class path must point to the location of the
compiled wolf.jni.Natives class, -d defines the directory where the output
headers will be stored, and wolf.jni.Natives is the Java class that contains the
native methods.
Listing 6-19. The Makefile for Wolf 3D
CC = agcc
# All warning + Optimizations
CFLAGS = -Wall -O2
# Object files
OBJS = objs.o misc.o id_ca.o id_vh.o id_us.o \
wl_act1.o wl_act2.o wl_act3.o wl_agent.o wl_game.o \
wl_inter.o wl_menu.o wl_play.o wl_state.o wl_text.o wl_main.o \
wl_debug.o vi_comm.o sd_comm.o sd_null.o wl_draw.o
# JNI files
JNIOBJS = jni_wolf.o vi_null.o
# Main target
all: lib
# Library
lib: $(OBJS) j
ald -shared -o $(OBJS)
$(CC) -fpic -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $<
# Create JNI headers
@echo "Creating JNI C headers..."
javah -jni -classpath ../../bin -d include wolf.jni.Natives
rm -rf *.o
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