Game Development Reference
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Finally, the last class to be updated is GLThread (see Listing 5-10), which contains the main loop.
Listing 5-10. Changes for
public class GLThread extends Thread implements EventListener
// ...
public void GLSwapBuffers() {
if ( mEglHelper != null ) {
public void OnMessage(String text) {
System.out.println("GLThread::OnMessage " + text);
GLThread implements EventListener . This allows the C code to send text messages if something is
wrong. The method GLSwapBuffers() will be invoked when the C code requests a buffer swap.
This takes care of the Java portion of the sample. Now let's look at the C files: cuberenderer.c and
cube.c .
Native Cube Renderer
The native cube renderer ( cuberenderer.c ) is similar to the Java class CubeRenderer . This file performs
the following tasks (see Listings 5-11 through 5-14):
It initializes the scene. This function is almost identical to
CubeRenderer.surfaceCreated() .
It draws a frame using the drawFrame() function. This function is similar in nature
to CubeRenderer.drawFrame() .
It contains the native implementation of the native interface class
opengl.jni.Natives.NativeRender (mapped in C as
Java_opengl_jni_Natives_NativeRender ). This function will be invoked every time
a frame is rendered from the GLThread Java class.
It contains the Java callbacks (functions that will invoke Java methods):
jni_printf(char *format, ...) sends a text message back.
jni_gl_swap_buffers () requests a buffer swap within Java.
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