Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Creating the Game Layout
We must create the user-defined layout using XML and the Asteroids class. Rename the main.xml file
created by the wizard as asteroids.xml and insert the code in Listing 4-4.
Listing 4-4. The XML Layout of Asteroids
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Note that is a required Java class that extends ArcadeGame , which in turn
extends LinearLayout . A detailed list of files and resources is shown in the next section.
Looking at the Resources
Besides code, we need resources such as sounds, XML string messages, and a game icon (see Figure 4-4).
Here is a list of resources used by Asteroids and what they do:
Java classes
AsteroidsActivity : This is the master class called by Android when the user
starts the game. It contains life cycle events such as onCreate , onResume , and
onStop .
Asteroids : This class contains all game code. It extends ArcadeGame .
ArcadeGame : This is an abstract class with the game loop and game life cycle
events initialize , updatePhysics , getScore , halt , and resume .
Constants : This class contains many game constants such as game delay,
frames per second, number of ships, and sprite speeds.
Polygon classes
PolygonSprite : This class represents any game sprite. It has methods to
detect collisions using the classes Polygon and Rectangle .
Polygon : This class represents an N-sided polygon. It code is taken from the
Java SE java.awt.Polygon class with most of the code stripped for simplicity.
Rectangle : This is also a stripped version of the Java SE java.awt.Rectangle
class. It describes a rectangle by X and Y coordinates, as well as width and
height. It can also check if the rectangle contains or is inside another.
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