Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 6.30 Top and back surfaces of a silicon solar cell (30 9 30 mm in square) which was
specially provided by Kyocera
Fig. 6.31 a Mössbauer
spectrum of 57 Mn/ 57 Fe in
p-type multi-crystalline-Si
(black points) is compared
with that in Si-solar cells (red
points) at 400 K under Xe
lamp illumination. The black
spectrum is fitted with red
and green components. b The
difference of the red and
black spectra is shown with
blue points. The difference
spectrum can be analyzed by
the appearing three singlets
(pink, yellow, and light blue
components and the two
disappearing singlets (red and
green components)
difficult to analyze by a superposition of singlets. To interpret such broad spec-
trum, we subtract the ''black spectrum'' from the ''red spectrum''. The difference
spectrum (blue points) in Fig. 6.31 b can be fitted by three appearing components
(pink, yellow, and light blue) and two disappearing ones (red and green).
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