Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
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27. Y. Yoda, Presentation in JSPS Belgium-Japan Binational Seminar (2003)
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29. M. Seto, Y. Yoda, S. Kikuta, X.W. Zhang, M. Ando, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3828 (1995)
30. W. Sturhahn, T.S. Toellner, E.E. Alp, X.W. Zhang, M. Ando, Y. Yoda, S. Kikuta, M. Seto,
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Author Biography
Saburo Nasu
1965 Graduated Kyoto University
1967 Master of Engineering, Kyoto University
1971 Doctor of Engineering, Kyoto University
Post-doc at University of Saarland
Research associate of Welding Research Institute
of Osaka University
Research assistant of University of Saarland
Research associate, Assistant professor, Professor
of Faculty of Eng. Science, Osaka University
From 2005 Emeritus professor of Osaka University
Guest researcher of JAEA at Tokai, Institute
for Chemical research, Kyoto University
Guest researcher of iCeMS, Kyoto University
Typical publications
Nasu Saburo: Mössbauer Spectroscopy and its Application to Materials
Research. High Temperature Materials and Processes 17 (1-2), 45-56 (1998)
Hyperfine Int. 113, 97-109 (1998)
Nasu Saburo: Mössbauer Study of Defects and Local Structure in Solids.
Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids 148, 181-190 (1999)
Nasu Saburo et al.: Pressure Induced Ferromagnetism of SrFeO 3 . Proceeding
of AIRAPT-17, 763-766 (2000)
Nasu Saburo: High-Pressure Mössbauer spectroscopy using synchrotron
radiation and radioactive sources. Hyperfine Int., 128, 101-113 (2000)
Nasu Saburo: High-pressure Mössbauer study using a diamond anvil cell.
RIKEN Review, 27, 67-71 (2000)
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