Chemistry Reference
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Chapter 5
Magnetic Multilayers and Interfaces
Teruya Shinjo and Ko Mibu
Abstract Mössbauer spectroscopy is a conventional technique to measure mag-
netic hyperfine fields. Particularly experiments on 57 Fe and 119 Sn are easy and
observed hyperfine fields furnish us useful information not only for studies on
magnetism but also generally to characterize condensed matters. In this article, the
usefulness of Mössbauer spectroscopy for studies on magnetic multilayers is
introduced. 57 Fe spectra of Fe/Mg multilayers are shown as a function of Fe layer
thickness and magnetic properties of ultrathin amorphous Fe layers are argued.
From the results on Fe/Mn and Fe/Cr multilayers, the features of interfaces are
discussed. The results on Fe/RE (rare-earth) indicate that anisotropy of interface
plays an important role. Interface magnetic properties of Fe film in contact with
MgO and those of Fe oxides have been studied using interface-selectively enriched
samples. Finally, several recent studies on magnetic multilayers and also on
Heusler alloy films by using
119 Sn probes are also described.
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