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Fig. 3.30 RT spectra of two natural glauconiet samples fitted with three (a) or five doublets
(b) (adapted from De Grave and Geets [ 309 ])
Fig. 3.31 RT spectrum of a
natural celadonite sample
fitted with four doublets
(adapted from Bowen et al.
[ 245 ])
doublet (Fig. 3.30 ). De Grave et al. [ 244 ] assigned the latter to interlayer Fe 3+ ,
whereas Johnson and Cardile [ 241 ] analyzed with a third ferric doublet with rather
small D which they attributed to tetrahedral Fe 3+ .
The spectrum of celadonite can be adjusted with two ferrous doublets and one
ferric doublet, the latter assigned to M2 sites (cis) [ 245 ]. A second weak Fe 3+
doublet with relatively large quadrupole splitting (D & 1.1-1.2 mm/s) (Fig. 3.31 )
has been ascribed to iron in dehydroxylated surface sites (DSS) [ 246 , 247 ].
The basic mineral of the 2:1 trioctahedral silicates is talc with formula
Mg 3 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 . It is obvious that for this silicate Fe 2+ will be the most abundant
valence of iron and consequently the spectra consist predominantly of ferrous
doublets [ 246 , 248 ]. Similarly, this is also the basic spectral appearance for all
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