Chemistry Reference
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57 Co
Fig. 1.5
Decay of
57 Co
270 d
Electron Capture
8.9 ns
98 ns
14.4 keV
57 Fe
where suffixes e and g denote the excited state and ground state, respectively. It is
known that any 2 L pole multipole radiation field carries angular momentum L and
z-component of angular momentum M. The parity p of a multipole field is (-1) L
or (-1) L-1 for EL or ML radiation, respectively [ 16 ].
For the 57 Fe Mössbauer level whose parent nucleus is 57 Co, the decay scheme is
shown in Fig. 1.5 . Spin and parity of the first excited state are 3/2 and -. For the
ground state, spin and parity are 1/2 and -. Because of no parity change the
multipole radiation field of the c-ray emission decaying from excited state to
ground state is M1 and E2 radiation. Higher order multipolarity is less expected
and known as negligible small like 0.0006 % for the 14.4 keV c radiation from the
first excited state of 57 Fe [ 17 ]. For c-ray, the distribution function F L ð h Þ can be
found by calculating the energy flow (Poynting vector) as a function of h for
multipole radiation characterized by the quantum numbers L and M. For dipole
radiation, one obtains
F 1 ð h Þ¼ 3 sin 2 h ;
F 1
ð 1 : 20 Þ
ð h Þ¼ 3
2 ð 1 þ cos 2 h Þ:
Usually 57 Co source for the 57 Fe Mössbauer experiment is doped into the metal
like Rh matrix and distributed uniformly without self-absorption showing a rather
sharp single Lorentzian energy distribution. Absorber is a specimen to study by the
Mössbauer effect and has a finite thickness containing multiple phases of resonant
nuclei 57 Fe. As shown in Fig. 1.4 , the c transition of nucleus from excited state to
ground state or vice versa shows the radiation field depending on the quantum
numbers of L, M, j e ,m e ,j g and m g . That is, the transition probability between
nuclear levels depends on Dm = m e -m g and the angular h dependence of the
emitting or absorbing radiation depends on the L and M given by ( 1.20 ).
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