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can contribute to the development of reflexive
practice skills for those working or preparing to
work in the human services field. These role-plays
can allow “active learning” (Ramsden, 2003)
opportunities where role-players can integrate
theory and practice in an online environment.
Reflexive practice skills are integral to working
in human services (Taylor & White, 2000) and are
commonly taught in social work and similar hu-
man services programs. Reflexive practice occurs
when a student or practitioner not only evaluates
practice experiences as a way of developing bet-
ter skills and practice, but also by questioning the
theory behind these actions and in light of this
experience develops a more contextually relevant
approach (Fook, 2002; Taylor & White, 2000). In
our discussion the learning and teaching focus is
on design elements in online, asynchronous - that
is, not in real time - role-plays.
The e-learning theory and design options
discussed in this chapter have been trialled in
the discipline area of mediation where students
engage with theory and practice dealing with the
third party facilitation of conflict (Douglas, 2007a;
Douglas, 2007b). The online role-plays that have
been trialled have largely mirrored face-to-face
role-plays traditionally conducted in the university
classroom. Our design asks students to integrate
theory, through the required reading and online dis-
cussion of selected articles, with practice, that is the
interventions played out in the online role-play. The
online environment provides students with more
leisure to consult relevant theory prior to acting in
a role-play (Wills & McDougall, 2008) and thus
arguably allows students to make more considered
choices regarding an appropriate intervention than
is available in a face-to-face role-play (Douglas,
2007a). The online role-play options discussed in
this chapter differ somewhat from more open-ended
problem solving simulations (see for example
McLaughlan & Kirkpatrick, 2008) as they are
focussed on the development of professional inter-
actions with service users through such processes
as interviewing, counselling or facilitation.
This chapter has four main objectives. First,
as background the usefulness of online role-plays
in integrating theory and practice is considered.
A particular focus is on the way that the online
environment can slow down interaction and en-
able students to engage in more critical thought
and reflection, offering opportunities for learn-
ing about reflexive practice skills. Second, we
consider e-learning theory and practice to assist
in designing online role-plays and in particular
consider a design that blends online role-plays
with face-to-face role-plays. The development
of role-play simulations as an interactive option
in e-learning is also discussed and the work of
Diana Laurillard (2002) is canvassed to provide
a theoretical framework for the e-learning design
models discussed in this chapter. Third, five de-
sign models are presented each with a different
approach to online asynchronous role-plays with
the benefits and limitations of each of these models
discussed. This is followed by the identification
of some learning and teaching strategies that
may be adopted in developing online role-play
activities. Through these e-learning design models
and strategies we hope to enable other teachers
to design their own customised online role-play
activity that develops interactive practice skills
and a reflexive capacity. Finally, a case study of
the use of such a model in teaching the discipline
area of mediation as one example of the use of
this blended design is presented.
role-playS anD
reflexive practice
Role-plays in teaching human services professions
are used to develop a range of interpersonal skills
such as in interviewing, counselling and facilita-
tion. Role-plays provide students with authentic
learning experiences (Herrington & Herrington,
2006) whereby the scenarios they are role-playing
mirror those they may face in their future profes-
sional roles. Scenarios can be drawn from prac-
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