Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 9
Virtual Communication for
Field Education Placements
in a Global Context
Linette Hawkins
RMIT University, Australia
Supriya Pattanayak
State Representative (Orissa), Department for International Development India (British High
Commission) 1
Increasing reliance upon information communication technology is one of the major factors in the cur-
rent student profile which challenges the traditional concept of professional field education. In Australia
the involvement of a growing minority of students in international field education highlights the value
of communication via different technological methods. Drawing upon the experience of students at one
university in Australia who undertook international placements over a three year period, with particu-
lar attention to those engaged in group placements in Orissa, India, this chapter presents the different
placement structures and the application of ICT and pedagogical factors requiring critical attention.
Another longer term field education challenge has been the increasing demand for human service field
placements in an environment of decreasing resources. A common electronic data base, developed by the
schools of social work, in one state in Australia presents an approach aimed at promoting co-operation
in a competitive situation.
'Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner
everywhere'. -- Chinese proverb
The steep learning curve of students and staff dur-
ing the past several years has led to policy based
on established processes for social work students
seeking overseas placements together with a realiza-
tion that this development has been an incremental
The partnership between a tertiary institution
in India from which Supriya Pattanayak operates,
Our journey towards sustainable models for inter-
national field experience was initially coincidental.
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