Java Reference
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int i = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
So will this one:
long i = Long.MIN_VALUE;
In case you're familiar with modular arithmetic, it's worth pointing out that this puzzle can be solved
algebraically. Java's int arithmetic is actually arithmetic mod 2 32 , so the puzzle requires a nonzero
solution to this linear congruence:
-i (mod 2 32 )
Adding i to both sides, we get:
0 (mod 2 32 )
The nonzero solution to this congruence is i = 2 31 . Although this value is not representable as an
int , it is congruent to -2 31 , which is Integer.MIN_VALUE .
In summary, Java uses two's-complement arithmetic, which is asymmetric. The signed integral
types ( int , long , byte , and short ) each have one more negative value than positive, which is
always the minimum value representable in the type. Negating Integer.MIN_VALUE doesn't change
its value, and the same holds true for Long.MIN_VALUE . Negating Short.MIN_VALUE and casting the
resulting int value back to a short returns the original value ( Short.MIN_VALUE ). A similar result
holds for Byte.MIN_VALUE . More generally, watch out for overflow: Like the Wolfman, it's a
killer .
The lesson for language designers is the same as in Puzzle 26 . Consider providing linguistic support
for some form of integer arithmetic where overflow does not happen silently.
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