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Puzzle 27: Shifty i's
Like the program in the Puzzle 26 , this one contains a loop that keeps track of how many iterations
it takes to terminate. Unlike that program, this one uses the left-shift operator ( << ). As usual, your
job is to figure out what the program prints. When you read it, remember that Java uses two's-
complement binary arithmetic, so the representation of -1 in any signed integral type ( byte , short ,
int , or long ) has all its bits set:
public class Shifty {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 0;
while (-1 << i != 0)
Solution 27: Shifty i's
The constant -1 is the int value with all 32 bits set ( 0xffffffff ). The left-shift operator shifts
zeroes in from the right to fill the low-order bits vacated by the shift, so the expression (-1 << i)
has its rightmost i bits set to 0 and the remaining 32 - i bits set to 1. Clearly, the loop completes
32 iterations, as -1 << i is unequal to 0 for any i less than 32. You might expect the termination
test to return false when i is 32, causing the program to print 32 , but it doesn't print 32 . In fact, it
doesn't print anything but goes into an infinite loop.
The problem is that (-1 << 32) is equal to -1 rather than 0, because shift operators use only the
five low-order bits of their right operand as the shift distance , or six bits if the left operand is a
long [JLS 15.19]. This applies to all three shift operators: << , >> , and >>> . The shift distance is
always between 0 and 31, or 0 and 63 if the left operand is a long . It is calculated mod 32, or mod
64 if the left operand is a long . Attempting to shift an int value 32 bits or a long value 64 bits just
returns the value itself. There is no shift distance that discards all 32 bits of an int value or all 64
bits of a long value.
Luckily, there is an easy way to fix the problem. Instead of repeatedly shifting -1 by a different shift
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