Java Reference
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If the second and third operands have the same type, that is the type of the conditional
expression. In other words, you can avoid the whole mess by steering clear of mixed-type
If one of the operands is of type T where T is byte , short , or char and the other operand is a
constant expression of type int whose value is representable in type T , the type of the
conditional expression is T .
Otherwise, binary numeric promotion is applied to the operand types, and the type of the
conditional expression is the promoted type of the second and third operands.
Points 2 and 3 are the key to this puzzle. In both of the two conditional expressions in the program,
one operand is of type char and the other is of type int . In both expressions, the value of the int
operand is 0, which is representable as a char . Only the int operand in the first expression,
however, is constant ( 0 ); the int operand in the second expression is variable ( i ). Therefore, point
2 applies to the first expression and its return type is char . Point 3 applies to the second conditional
expression, and its return type is the result of applying binary numeric promotion to int and char ,
which is int [JLS 5.6.2].
The type of the conditional expression determines which overloading of the print method is
invoked. For the first expression, PrintStream.print(char) is invoked; for the second,
PrintStream.print(int) . The former overloading prints the value of the variable x as a Unicode
character ( X ), whereas the latter prints it as a decimal integer ( 88 ). The mystery is solved.
Putting the final modifier on the declaration for i would turn i into a constant expression, causing
the program to print XX , but it would still be confusing. To eliminate the confusion, it is best to
change the type of i from int to char , avoiding the mixed-type computation.
In summary, it is generally best to use the same type for the second and third operands in
conditional expressions. Otherwise, you and the readers of your program must have a thorough
understanding of the complex specification for the behavior of these expressions.
For language designers, perhaps it is possible to design a conditional operator that sacrifices some
flexibility for increased simplicity. For example, it might be reasonable to demand that the second
and third operands be of the same type. Alternatively, the conditional operator could be defined
without special treatment for constants. To make these alternatives more palatable to programmers,
a syntax could be provided for expressing literals of all primitive types. This may be a good idea in
its own right, as it adds to the consistency and completeness of the language and reduces the need
for casts.
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