Java Reference
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super(); // invokes Inner1() constructor
Because the superclass of Inner2 is itself an inner class, an obscure language rule comes into play.
As you know, the instantiation of an inner class, such as Inner1 , requires an enclosing instance to
be supplied to the constructor. Normally, it is supplied implicitly, but it can also be supplied
explicitly with a superclass constructor invocation of the form expression.super(args) [JLS
If the enclosing instance is supplied implicitly, the compiler generates the expression: It uses the
this reference for the innermost enclosing class of which the superclass is a member. This is,
admittedly, quite a mouthful, but it is what the compiler does. In this case, the superclass is Inner1 .
Because the current class, Inner2 , extends Outer indirectly, it has Inner1 as an inherited member.
Therefore, the qualifying expression for the superclass constructor is simply this . The compiler
supplies an enclosing instance, rewriting super to this.super . Had we done this ourselves, the
compilation error would have made even more sense: cannot reference this before
supertype constructor has been called
Now the problem is clear: The default Inner2 constructor attempts to reference this before the
superclass constructor has been called, which is illegal [JLS]. The brute-force way to fix this
problem is to provide the reasonable enclosing instance explicitly:
public class Outer {
class Inner1 extends Outer { }
class Inner2 extends Inner1 {
public Inner2() {
Outer.this .super();
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