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course, this makes no sense. What really happened was that the first invocation of
THRead.interrupted returned true and cleared the interrupted status of the thread, so the second
invocation— in the then branch of the if-then-else statement— returned false . Calling
Thread.interrupted always clears the interrupted status of the current thread. The method
name gives no hint of this behavior and, as of release 5.0, the one-sentence summary in the
documentation is equally misleading: "Tests whether the current thread has been interrupted" [Java-
API] . Therefore, it is understandable that many programmers are unaware that
Thread.interrupted has any effect on the interrupted status of the thread.
The THRead class has two methods to query the interrupted status of a thread. The other one is an
instance method named isInterrupted , and it does not clear the interrupted status of the thread. If
rewritten to use this method, the program produces the expected output of Interrupted: true :
public class SelfInterruption {
public static void main(String[] args) {
if ( Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() ) {
System.out.println("Interrupted: " +
Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() );
} else {
System.out.println("Not interrupted: " +
Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() );
The lesson of this puzzle is: Don't use THRead.interrupted unless you want to clear the
interrupted status of the current thread. If you just want to query it, use isInterrupted instead.
The lesson for API designers is that methods should have names that describe their primary
functions. Given the behavior of THRead.interrupted , it should have been named
clearInterruptStatus . Its return value is secondary to the state change it effects. Especially when
a method has a name that is less than perfect, it is important that its documentation clearly describe
its behavior.
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