Java Reference
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java.util.concurrent.locks provides two alternatives: ReentrantLock and
ReentrantReadWriteLock . These classes provide more flexibility than Object but are a bit more
cumbersome to use. They cannot be used with a synchronized block, but must be acquired and
released explicitly with the aid of a TRy - finally statement.
The most straightforward way to fix the program is to add a private lock field of type Object and to
synchronize on this object in the quit and keepWorking methods. With these changes, the program
prints Beer is good as expected. The correct behavior of the program is not dependent on its
obeying the time line shown in our previous analysis:
private final Object lock = new Object();
// It's quitting time, wait for worker - Called by good boss
void quit() throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (lock) {
quittingTime = true;
// Rescind quitting time - Called by evil boss
void keepWorking() {
synchronized (lock) {
quittingTime = false;
It is also possible to fix the program by having the Worker class implement Runnable rather than
extending THRead , and creating each worker thread using the THRead(Runnable) constructor. This
decouples the lock on each Worker instance from the lock on its Thread instance. It is a larger
refactoring and is left as an exercise to the reader.
Just as a library class's use of a lock can interfere with an application, an application's use of a lock
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