Java Reference
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s.contains(new Name("Mickey", "Mouse")));
Solution 57: What's in a Name?
A Name instance consists of a first name and a last name. Two Name instances are equal, as
computed by the equals method, if their first names are equal and their last names are equal. First
names and last names are compared using the equals method defined in String . Two strings are
equal if they consist of the same characters in the same order. Therefore, two Name instances are
equal if they represent the same name. For example, the following method invocation returns true :
new Name("Mickey", "Mouse").equals(new Name("Mickey", "Mouse"))
The main method of the program creates two Name instances, both representing Mickey Mouse. The
program puts the first instance into a hash set and then checks whether the set contains the second.
The two Name instances are equal, so it might seem that the program should print true . If you ran it,
it almost certainly printed false . What is wrong with the program?
The bug is that Name violates the hashCode contract. This might seem strange, as Name doesn't even
have a hashCode method, but that is precisely the problem. The Name class overrides the equals
method, and the hashCode contract demands that equal objects have equal hash codes. To fulfill
this contract, you must override hashCode whenever you override equals [EJ Item 8].
Because it fails to override hashCode , the Name class inherits its hashCode implementation from
Object . This implementation returns an identity-based hash code. In other words, distinct objects
are likely to have unequal hash values, even if they are equal. Name does not fulfill the hashCode
contract, so the behavior of a hash set containing Name elements is unspecified.
When the program puts the first Name instance into the hash set, the set puts an entry for this
instance into a hash bucket. The set chooses the hash bucket based on the hash value of the
instance, as computed by its hashCode method. When it checks whether the second Name instance is
contained in the hash set, the program chooses which bucket to search based on the hash value of
the second instance. Because the second instance is distinct from the first, it is likely to have a
different hash value. If the two hash values map to different buckets, the contains method will
return false : The beloved rodent is in the hash set, but the set can't find him.
Suppose that the two Name instances map to the same bucket. Then what? All HashSet
implementations that we know of have an optimization in which each entry stores the hash value of
its element in addition to the element itself. When searching for an element, the implementation
selects the appropriate hash bucket and traverses its entries, comparing the hash value stored in
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