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The third program, Arcane3 , also looks as though it shouldn't compile. Method f is declared to
throw checked exception CloneNotSupportedException in interface Type1 and to throw checked
exception InterruptedException in interface Type2 . Interface Type3 inherits from Type1 and
Type2 , so it would seem that invoking f on an object whose static type is Type3 could potentially
throw either of these exceptions. A method must either catch each checked exception its body can
throw, or declare that it throws the exception. The main method in Arcane3 invokes f on an object
whose static type is Type3 but does neither of these things for CloneNotSupportedException or
InterruptedException . Why does the program compile?
The flaw in this analysis is the assumption that Type3.f can throw either the exception declared on
Type1.f or the one declared on Type2.f . This simply isn't true. Each interface limits the set of
checked exceptions that method f can throw. The set of checked exceptions that a method can
throw is the intersection of the sets of checked exceptions that it is declared to throw in all
applicable types , not the union. As a result, the f method on an object whose static type is Type3
can't throw any checked exceptions at all. Therefore, Arcane3 compiles without error and prints
Hello world .
In summary, the first program illustrates the basic requirement that catch clauses for checked
exceptions are permitted only when the corresponding try clause can throw the exception in
question. The second program illustrates a corner case where this requirement does not apply. The
third program illustrates the interaction of multiple inherited tHRows clauses, which reduces rather
than increases the number of exceptions that a method is permitted to throw. The behaviors
illustrated by this puzzle don't generally cause subtle bugs, but they can be a bit surprising the first
time you see them.
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