Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
this problem internally but, when programmers try to call converted
i les directly from external databases, skipping is likely to occur. Know
your platforms and make sure that you don't get blamed for sloppy
Mixing Your Audio for Small
Format Delivery
Mixing for mobile requires creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Just
like mixing audio for any other medium, it's always best to listen to your
mixes on the device itself. In some cases, this might be either impossible
or expensive. Small format games get played and listened to in lots of
dif erent environments, from city streets, to the back seats of automobiles.
The challenges of creating a uniform audio experience are daunting and
complete control may not be possible—a hard pill to swallow.
Mobile devices tend to have small speakers, some only as big as your
thumbnail. As a result the accurate playback of bass frequencies can
be one of the biggest issues. To make things even tougher, dedicated
gamers looking for a more immersive experience might be wearing
headphones, or routing the audio through Bluetooth to their stereo,
where the bass will dei nitely be pumping. So how can you satisfy all of
these situations?
When possible you should mix for a full range of audio, so that playback on small speakers
and in headphones or stereos is possible. Harmonics are going to be your friend in this situation.
Avoid pure sine tones in the bass range unless you have an obvious complement in the higher
range for small speakers.
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