Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
musicians of all types to incorporate any sound they want into their
soundtracks. Maybe most importantly, as mentioned earlier, these
innovations have allowed composers in many situations, though not all,
to remove themselves from the technological side of content creation.
In high-budget console games, for example, it is not unusual to i nd a
team of i ve or more working on music for a title. The team structure
has allowed the composer to specialize once again; the music producer
and integrator or programmer help adapt the music for the game.
The process of creating audio for games is similar to the process for
television and i lm: the composer hands the music of to an orchestrator,
then to a copyist, and i nally to the players on the soundstage. In other
words, sometimes it takes a village. For a smaller game, you may still
i nd a production team of one, with all roles wrapped up in a single
These days, a game composer can go from recording a heavy metal band
one day to creating a fully synthesized orchestral score that includes
no live instruments the next. Platforms are ever changing and being
adapted and upgraded. Each change introduces new tools to master and
new techniques to learn.
Speaking of Music
Even early on, some game developers were aware of the benei t of
having music in games. Music helps create an emotional connection that
makes for a satisfying experience; it is deeply missed when it is absent.
Music can completely change the pace, mood, and feel of a game. Let's
review some of what a good musical soundtrack can accomplish.
Set the Mood and Overall Tone of a Game
From a catchy title theme to a spooky background, music helps set and
maintain the player's emotional connection to the game.
Identify Time and Place Within the Game
Music helps set the time and place of the game—whether that be
medieval England or the cold void of space—as much as any costume
piece or scenery.
Identify Locations and Settings in a Game
Is your character on the beach or in the bustling streets at rush hour?
Music helps players identify their surroundings.
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