Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
relaxed sounds, while a fast-paced action title will result in a more
frenetic palette.
What Platform Is the Game being
Developed for?
The platform determines how you will prepare the sound for i nal
delivery. You can generally expect dif erent workl ows for dif erent
platforms. Also, the more you know about each system, the more
optimized your sound design can be.
What Is the Audio Budget for the Game,
and How Big can the Files be?
Sorry, this isn't what you're getting paid, but rather how much space
you'll get in the game itself for your assets. It is important to know what
you are up against before you get too far down any road. Nothing is
worse than spending considerable time creating awesome sounds only
to i nd out there is no room for them in the game.
Diagram showing dif erences in hardware budgets. Sometimes you can be restricted by the space
you're allowed, and other times you can be restricted by what the hardware itself will allow.
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