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Another left-most derivation of the same sentence is
E ) E * E
) E + E * E
) id+ E * E
) id+id* E
) id+id*id
Therefore, the grammar is ambiguous. It is also the case that the sentence has two
right-most derivations in the grammar:
E ) E + E
) E + E * E
) E + E *id
) E +id*id
) id+id*id
E ) E * E
) E *id
) E + E *id
) E +id*id
) id+id*id
These two right-most derivations for the same sentence also show the grammar is am-
biguous. Finally, the two parse trees, illustrated in Figure 3.3, for the same sentence also
demonstrate ambiguity.
FIGURE 3.3 Two parse trees for id+id*id .
Clearly, we would rather have unambiguous grammars describe our programming lan-
guage, because ambiguity in the parsing can lead to ambiguity in assigning semantics (mean-
ing) to programs. For example, in id+id*id , which operation is applied first: addition
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