Java Reference
In-Depth Information
j [ expression ]
superSux ::= arguments
j .<identifier> [arguments]
primary ::= ( assignmentExpression )
j this [arguments]
j super superSux
j literal
j new creator
j <identifier> . <identifier> [identierSux]
j basicType f [] g .class
j void.class
identierSux ::= [] f [] g .class
j [ expression ]
j . ( class
j this
j super arguments
j new innerCreator
j arguments
creator ::= type
( arguments [classBody]
j newArrayDeclarator [arrayInitializer]
newArrayDeclarator ::= [ [expression] ] f [ [expression] ] g
innerCreator ::= <identifier> arguments [classBody]
literal ::= <int_literal> j <char_literal> j <string_literal> j <float_literal>
j <long_literal> j <double_literal> j true j false j null
C.3 Further Readings
See Chapter 2 of [Gosling et al., 2005] for a detailed description of the lexical and syntactic
grammars for the Java language.
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