Java Reference
In-Depth Information
forUpdate ::= statementExpression f , statementExpressiong
switchBlockStatementGroup ::= switchLabel fswitchLabelgfblockStatementg
switchLabel ::= case expression : // must be constant
j default:
localVariableDeclarationStatement ::= [ final ] type variableDeclarators ;
variableDeclarators ::= variableDeclarator f , variableDeclaratorg
variableDeclarator ::= <identifier> f [] g [ = variableInitializer]
variableInitializer ::= arrayInitializer j expression
arrayInitializer ::= { [variableInitializer f , variableInitializerg [ ]]
arguments ::= ( [expression f , expressiong] )
type ::= referenceType j basicType
basicType ::= boolean j byte j char j short j int j float j long j double
referenceType ::= basicType [] f [] g
j qualiedIdentier f [] g
statementExpression ::= expression // but must have side-effect, eg i++
expression ::= assignmentExpression
// level 13
assignmentExpression ::= conditionalExpression // must be a valid lhs
( =
j +=
j -=
j *=
j /=
j %=
j >>=
j >>>=
j <<=
j &=
j |=
j ^=
) assignmentExpression]
// level 12
conditionalExpression ::= conditionalOrExpression
[ ? assignmentExpression : conditionalExpression]
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