Java Reference
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int , char and String Literals
An escape ( ESC ) character in j-- is a \ followed by n , r , t , b , f , ' , " , or \ . In addition to
the true , false , and null literals, j-- supports int , char , and String literals as described
by the following regular expressions:
B.6.2 Syntactic Grammar
compilationUnit ::= [ package qualiedIdentier ; ]
f import qualiedIdentier ; g
ftypeDeclarationg EOF
qualiedIdentier ::= <identifier> f .<identifier> g
typeDeclaration ::= modifiers classDeclaration
modifiers ::= f public j protected j private j static j abstract g
classDeclaration ::= class <identifier> [ extends qualiedIdentier] classBody
classBody ::= { fmodiers memberDeclg }
memberDecl ::= <identifier> // constructor
formalParameters block
j ( void j type) <identifier> // method
formalParameters (block j ; )
j type variableDeclarators ; // field
block ::= { fblockStatementg }
blockStatement ::= localVariableDeclarationStatement
j statement
statement ::= block
j <identifier>: statement
j if parExpression statement [ else statement]
j while parExpression statement
j return [expression] ;
j ;
j statementExpression ;
formalParameters ::= ( [formalParameter f , formalParameterg] )
formalParameter ::= type <identifier>
parExpression ::= ( expression )
localVariableDeclarationStatement ::= type variableDeclarators ;
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