Java Reference
In-Depth Information
A.3.1 Scripts
We provide three scripts 8 : The first script, $j/j--/bin/j-- , is a wrapper for jminusminus
.Main . This is the j-- compiler. It has the following command-line syntax:
-t OnlytokenizeinputandprinttokenstoSTDOUT
-p OnlyparseinputandprintASTtoSTDOUT
-pa Onlyparseandpre-analyzeinputandprintASTtoSTDOUT
-a Onlyparse,pre-analyze,andanalyzeinputandprintASTtoSTDOUT
The second script, $j/j--/bin/javaccj-- , is a wrapper for jminusminus.JavaCCMain .
This is also the j-- compiler, but uses the front end generated by JavaCC. Its command-line
syntax is similar to the script discussed above.
The third script, $j/j--/bin/clemitter , is separate from the compiler, and is a wrap-
per for jminusminus.CLEmitter . This is the Java class file emitter. It has the following
command-line syntax:
where file is a Java program that uses the CLEmitter interface to programmatically generate
a JVM class file. The output is a class file for the program, and the class files the program
was programmed to generate. For example, running the following command:
produces GenHelloWorld.class and HelloWorld.class files. HelloWorld.class can then
be run as,
producing as output,
$j/j--/bin may be added to the environment variable PATH for convenience. This will
allow invoking the scripts without specifying their fully qualified path, as follows:
A.3.2 Ant Targets
The Ant file $j/j--/build.xml advertises the following targets:
8 For the scripts to run,j--must be compiled and j--.jar file must exist in $j/j--/lib .
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