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This use of tuples is not strictly necessary but it makes the translation to HIR
2. The message expression
detects loop headers and loop tails. This information may be used for lifting invariant
code from loops during the optimization phase and for ordering blocks for register
3. The message expression
removes unreachable blocks, for example, blocks resulting from jumps that come after
a return instruction.
4. The message expression,
computes an immediate dominator for each basic block, that closest predecessor
through which all paths must pass to reach the target block. It is a useful place
to insert invariant code that is lifted out of a loop in optimization.
5. The message expression
converts the tuples representation to HIR, stored as a sequence of HIR instructions
in the array list, hir for each block. As the tuples are scanned, their execution is
simulated, using a stack to keep track of newly created values and instruction ids.
The HIR is in SSA form, with (sometimes redundant) Phi function instructions.
6. The message expression
eliminates unnecessary Phi functions and replaces them with their simpler values as
discussed above.
The HIR is now ready for further analysis.
6.3.3 Simple Optimizations on the HIR
That the HIR is in SSA form makes it amenable to several simple optimizations|
improvements to the HIR code; these improvements make for fewer instructions and/or
faster programs.
Local optimizations are improvements made based on analysis of the linear sequence
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