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Algorithm 3.11 Constructing the LR(1) Parsing Tables for a Context-Free Grammar
Input: a context-free grammar G = (N;T;S;P)
Output: the LF(1) tables Action and Goto
1. Compute the LR(1) canonical collection c = fs 0 ;s 1 ;:::;s n g. State i of the parser
corresponds to the item set s i . State 0, corresponding to the item set s 0 , which
contains the item [S 0 ::= S, # ], is the parser's initial state
2. The Action table is constructed as follows:
a. For each transition, goto(si, i , a ) = s j , where a is a terminal, set Action[i, a ] =
sj. The s stands for \shift"
b. If the item set s k contains the item [S 0 ::= S, # ], set Action[k, # ] = accept
c. For all item sets si i , if si i contains an item of the form [Y ::= , a ], set Action[i,
a ] = rp, where p is the number corresponding to the rule Y ::= . The r stands
for \reduce"
d. All undefined entries in Action are set to error
3. The Goto table is constructed as follows:
a. For each transition, goto(si, i , Y ) = s j , where Y is a non-terminal, set Goto[i,
Y ] = j.
b. All undefined entries in Goto are set to error
If all entries in the Action table are unique, then the grammar G is said to be LR(1).
Example. Let us say we are computing the Action and Goto tables for the arithmetic
expression grammar in (3.31). We apply Algorithm 3.10 for computing the LR(1) canon-
ical collection. This produces the twenty-two item sets shown in the table before. Adding
the extra production rule and enumerating the production rules gives us the augmented
grammar in (3.41).
0. E 0 ::= E
1. E ::= E + T
2. E ::= T
3. T ::= T * F
4. T ::= F
5. F ::= ( E )
6. F ::= id
We must now apply steps 2 and 3 of Algorithm 3.11 for constructing the tables Action
and Goto. Both tables will each have twenty-two rows for the twenty-two states, derived
from the twenty-two item sets in the LR(1) canonical collection: 0 to 21. The Action table
will have six columns, one for each terminal symbol: + , * , ( , ) , id , and the terminator # .
The Goto table will have three columns, one for each of the original non-terminal symbols:
E, T, and F. The newly added non-terminal E 0 does not play a role in the parsing process.
The tables are illustrated in Figure 3.7. To see how these tables are constructed, let us
derive the entries for several states.
First, let us consider the first four states of the Action table:
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