Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 9 Distribution of
Rhizophora species by class of
diameter. 1 = \1 cm;
2 = C1to\3 cm;
3 = C3to\5 cm;
4 = C5to\7 cm;
5 = C7to\10 cm;
6 = C10 to \30 cm;
7 = C30 to \50 cm;
8 = C50+ cm
Fig. 10 Distribution of mixed
stands species by class of
diameter. 1 = \1 cm;
2 = C1to\3 cm;
3 = C3to\5 cm;
4 = C5to\7 cm;
5 = C7to\10 cm;
6 = C10 to \30 cm;
7 = C30 to \50 cm;
8 = C50+ cm
mean volume (836.18 m 3 ). Rhizophora in Ghana is signif-
icantly larger in terms of mean basal area (44.21 m 2 /ha).
From this study, it has been shown that Cameroon has the
mean highest Rhizophora density with 24,375 stems/ha.
Before this zone had been designated as protected area, large
mangrove trees were cut as construction materials and fire-
wood for bakeries that resulted in denser trees of smaller size
(BA = 37.35 m 2 /ha). Ghana has a lower density
(8,225 stems/ha) of smaller size (BA = 44.21 m 2 /ha). This
may be is due to less utilization of large mangrove trees since
the economic activity in this area was charcoal making, which
utilizes the smaller sizes of mangrove trees (Meentemeyer
1982 ; Nfotabong Atheull 2008 , 2011 ; Spalding et al. 2010 ;
Aheto 2011 ). The highest average canopy height was in
Cameroon (46.7 m), while the lowest was in Ghana (14 m).
seedlings and saplings in Cameroon and Ghana can attrib-
uted to the lower canopy height of mangrove.
Structural Characteristics of Mangrove Forest
Pure Rhizophora Stand
The data about structural attributes of Rhizophora stands
indicated that the forest structure, shown mainly by the
mean values of density, basal area, volume and dominant
height in both countries, was, respectively, 46.7 m,
24 375 stems/ha, 37.35 m 2 /ha and 836.18 m 3 in Cameroon
and 14 m, 8,225 stems/ha, 44.21 m 2 /ha and 279.66 m 3 in
Ghana. It appeared that, in Fig. 11 , the results confirm that
Rhizophora in Cameroon is significantly larger in terms of
mean height (46.7 m), mean density (24,375 stems/ha) and
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