Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 10.10 Box-whisker plots of impactor mass by inhaler and cascade impactor configuration.
The mean is represented by the tick mark at the center of the line ( From [ 26 ]— used with
permission )
Table 10.5 Summary statistics and 95% confidence intervals on ratio of standard deviations of
abbreviated to full configurations for metrics related to inhaler APSD ( From [ 26 ]— used with
permission )
95% CI a on ratio of
SDs of abbreviated
to full configuration
ISM ACI 38.97 1.57 4.07 -
AIM-QC 38.96 2.68 6.87 [0.93; 3.05]
LPM/SPM ACI 2.70 0.28 9.98 -
AIM-QC 2.69 0.35 12.83 [0.68; 2.24]
a Inclusion of 1.00 in confidence interval (CI) indicates no statistically significant difference
SD [repeatabi-
lity] (
Coefficient of
variation (%)
Mean (
Separate estimates of variability were made for each metric ( ISM , LPM/SPM
with the AIM-QC and full-resolution ACI) and FPM (identical with CPM in terms
of precision) for the AIM-pHRT and ACI. The estimates of precision associated
with all these metrics obtained by the appropriate abbreviated impactor were
substantially equivalent to the corresponding metrics with the full-resolution system
(Fig. 10.11 and Tables 10.5 and 10.6 ).
Interestingly, all these metrics consistently tracked minor differences between
the six inhalers that were used in the investigation (Fig. 10.11b, d , f). When the size
fractions from either abbreviated impactor were compared with the corresponding
cumulative mass-weighted APSD data from the ACI (Fig. 10.12 ), excellent agree-
ment was apparent in almost all instances. However, an unexpected outcome was
the magnitude of the positive bias associated with EPF measured by the AIM-pHRT
system, which was almost 8% greater than the corresponding full-resolution data
(Table 10.6 ), illustrated in the comparison of this metric with the expected value
from the ACI (Fig. 10.12 ).
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