Information Technology Reference
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the meaning of things, understand what people mean, what they want to do, where
they want go? It is really important because that allows you to attract people and
allows you to better engage with people. It is collecting data from all sources, it is
analyzing the data, understanding that data. Probably 80%-95% of that data is
unstructured, which makes it a little bit more difficult. The point is pulling them
together to achieve the environment and the ecosystems that we want. The
mechanisms and tools to do that exist today.
Let me finish off my presentation by giving you a little illustrative example: it so
happens that I travel quite a lot so this one relates to me, but I am pretty sure it is
going to relate to many of you, too. You know, you are sitting in the plane, you are
looking at a film. It is one of my friends who originally created this example and he
decided that it was going to be a film from Marcel Pagnol, but that does not matter.
And then you get this moment. You are three quarters down the film, you are really
into it and then the film freezes and you get this message: “we are 20 minutes before
landing and we will shut down the AV system.” I want to see the rest of the film.
Today, make sure you get back on the same airlines, make sure you do it fast enough
so the film is still on the list, remember the moment in the film so that you can fast
forward and two or three weeks later you will be able to see the film. What if, let's
dream a minute, what if when the plane lands, information is shared, and that
information says what I was doing. I reach my hotel, and I enable my hotel to actually
take the information about where I was on the film. Information goes back to my
hotel and when I reach my room, I have displayed on my TV a message telling me I
can finish the film if I want? Hey, why not, a complete digital, a complete different
digital experience. Now all the bits and pieces exist today, everything exists; it is just
putting them together. So I just try to tease your imagination.
I think there are two things that are important in life if you want to really move
forward and get along with the way the world is actually changing. First, be curious,
do not stop, go and dig into things and understand what happens; you do not need all
the details but at least understand what you can get with it. And second, be creative,
start pulling unlikely things together. The opportunities are actually endless, you
know our biggest limit today is our imagination. We are so much boxed in that we
have a tendency to always look inside the box. Every time we come up with an idea
we are going to get 27 reasons why this is not going to work. Do not bother about
those, okay? There is a whole bunch of new business models that are actually
emerging. People are becoming information providers, people are becoming
information transformers, information consumers. We are really getting to that
information society that we have actually been talking about. The technology is there,
most of it is there. It is pulling it together, getting the business model set up,
delivering the service, that really needs to be invented.
Remember, everything we do becomes digital. I really got flabbergasted a couple
of years ago when talking to a banker, I realized that 97% of money is bits and bytes
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