Agriculture Reference
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Fig. 8.6. A gel permeation chromatography separation of the non-structural
carbohydrates from bulbs of onion cultivars varying in dry matter (DM) percentage.
(a) Cv. 'White Spanish', 7.5% DM. (b) Cv. 'Australian Brown', 10.6% DM. (c)
'White Creole'
'Southport White Globe' cross, 17.2% DM. Numbers on the
peaks indicate the degree of polymerization of the fructans (from Darbyshire and
Henry, 1979. Courtesy of the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture ).
Fig. 8.7. The relationship between the dry matter content of bulb tissue and the
soluble solids concentration - as determined by refractometer and expressed as
sucrose equivalents - of bulb juice from 127 samples taken from 49 cultivars of
onion (from Sinclair et al ., 1995a. Courtesy of the Journal of the Science of Food
and Agriculture ).
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