Agriculture Reference
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Thermal time (°C day) to irrigation
Thermal time (°C day) to irrigation
Fig. 4.14. The effects on onion seedling emergence of optimizing the timing of
irrigation to coincide with the thermal time required for root emergence from the
majority of seeds. (a) The effect of 15 mm of irrigation applied at different thermal
times (base 0°C) on the percentage and time spread of seedling emergence in
onions sown into moist (
) and dry (
) soil and into moist soil without further
irrigation (
). The vertical bars are standard errors with 60 d.f. (from Finch-Savage,
1990. Courtesy of Acta Horticulturae ). (b) The percentage onion seedling
emergence from ten sowings given 15 mm irrigation before sowing, at a thermal
time of 90°C day (base 1.4°C) or given no irrigation (from Finch-Savage and
Steckel, 1994. Courtesy of Acta Horticulturae ).
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